Boondocks Farm
ADGA Nigerian Dwarf Goats
UPDATED JAN 23, 2018. Text for more info: 706.491.3195
Currently have 2 doelings and 3 bucklings left.
SEVEN does kidded in 7 days giving us 19 GORGEOUS KIDS. Twelve have been sold but there are still great looking kids left. All DAMS are sold. Still have two HERD SIRES available. One posted under OUR HERD. The other still needs to be added.
Use the "OUR HERD" tab to see our current Bucks and Does plus reference information on others.
Use the "FOR SALE" tab to see what is available at Boondocks Farm.
Use the "KIDDING SCHEDULE" tab to see who has been in with who, who has kidded and when we are expecting more kids.
We have a closed herd that tested negative for CAE, CL, Brucellosis, Q-Fever and Johnne's in Jan 2015.
Our herd is dewormed on an "as needed" basis using the FAMACHA scale. The goats enjoy free loose mineral supplements and baking soda as well as black oil sunflower seeds, lespedeza pellets and alfalfa treats. Our herd also receives annual CDT vaccinations. Our does receive their booster shots 4 weeks prior to kidding.
When we have kids or we have decided to part with one of our other goats, we will post them here. All of our kids are dam raised unless prior arrangements are made. Bucklings can be picked up at 8 weeks and doelings about 12 weeks.
August 18, 2016
We are currently selling a large portion of our herd in an effort to reduce our herd size. All will be noted on the FOR SALE page. You can text me to be sure the one you want is still available.